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At Comberton Village College we consistently aim to ensure that pupils attain standards of achievement that are the highest of which they are capable, by providing teaching of the best possible standard. The progress our pupils make is well above that which is made on average by pupils nationally.

We believe that effective assessment is central to the teaching and learning process and a key element in achieving this goal. Assessment takes many forms and includes both the on-going analysis of progress which teachers make in every classroom every day and the summative tests which pupils take at key points to show what they remember from their learning in previous modules, terms and years.   

The Recording of Pupil Progress at Key Stage 3

Our system of recording progress provides us with an excellent opportunity to develop a clear and succinct view that focuses on progress. This is visible in real time via parent log in on Go4Schools, our Management Information System. Our reporting system allows us to focus on the fundamental information a pupil wants to know: “What progress am I making?”

Target Range

By Easter of year 7 we will have assigned pupils with a target range, and this will appear on their report at each stage of key stage 3 to remind you of their data-based target. This target range will cover a range of aspirational GCSE grades for the end of year 11. The target is generated using data from Key Stage 2 tests, CAT4 Cognitive Ability Tests or internal year 7 baseline assessments combined with the highest statistical predictions of likely GCSE attainment from the Fischer Family Trust (FFT5).

Using an estimated target range instead of a single target grade at key stage 3 reminds pupils that outcomes are not fixed or pre-determined. Some pupils will exceed even the top grade of their target range in one or more subjects. We frequently remind pupils of our high expectations and reinforce that there is no limit on what they can achieve.

Depth of Understanding Range

We assess students on a 1-9 scale, where a 9 represents a deep and full understanding of the whole curriculum that has been studied so far. For subjects which closely align their KS3 curriculum and the KS4 curriculum you could see this as a grade that students are likely to go on and achieve at GCSE. At KS3 though we are looking at how our students have covered the curriculum, a depth of understanding range of 6-8 at KS3 would suggest a deep understanding of the curriculum.

For some subjects these grades should not be thought of as GCSE grades as the KS3 and KS4 curriculums are too different, for example in Core PE a grade range of 7-9 suggests an excellent comprehension of how to live a healthy active lifestyle, but it would not suggest that this pupil would go on to achieve a grade 7-9 in GCSE PE.  For detailed subject descriptors of each depth of understanding grade please click here to take you to the "Depth of Understanding" page

In each report we will give a curriculum depth of understanding grade showing what pupils current progress suggests that they will go on to achieve. You will then be able to compare this to the Target Range to see if your child is on track, above or below where they might have been.

Effort Scores

Pupils’ efforts with attitude, contribution, homework and organisation are also recorded. These effort scores are on a 5-point scale, and descriptors for these can be seen here:







The pupil is demonstrating an excellent attitude towards this subject

The pupil is willing to get involved in class discussion, contributes excellent independent work, and goes above and beyond what is expected. They are self-motivated, show initiative and are committed to the subject.

Homework tasks are always completed to a high standard.

The pupil is able to take responsibility for their own learning, always meeting deadlines, arriving equipped and ready to learn.


The pupil is demonstrating a good attitude towards this subject.

The pupil applies themself well in lessons, completing work as expected. They are committed to the subject and participate fully in most classroom activities such as small group work, independent tasks and whole class discussions.

Homework tasks are of a good quality and almost always fully completed.

The pupil usually meets deadlines, and they are developing as an independent learner. They bring in all relevant equipment and a charged iPad.


The pupils’ attitude in this subject is not disruptive but it also not supporting their own learning.

The pupil is not always fully engaged in activities either verbally or in independent work. Everything is of a satisfactory quality, but they are happy to take a passive approach to their learning.

Homework tasks are occasionally not completed to a level that reflects their ability.

There are occasions when deadlines are missed, or the pupil is missing essential equipment. Their iPad is usually available.


The pupils’ attitude in this subject is not always conducive to learning, and it can disrupt others.

The work the pupil produces can be of a satisfactory quality. However, they sometimes do not complete classwork tasks and often produce work that does not reflect their ability. Sometimes they are not fully engaged in class.

Homework tasks are rarely completed to a level that reflects their ability. 

The pupil has limited independence, often relying on guidance to support them in meeting deadlines or coming with the required equipment.

Cause for Concern

The pupils’ attitude in this subject is a cause for concern. They regularly display disruptive behaviour.

Classwork is frequently incomplete, and the pupil is often unwilling to engage in class activities. At times they do not act upon advice given.

Homework is rarely attempted.

Deadlines for work are rarely met, the pupil does not come with the required equipment, or their iPad is not useable.

Reporting to Parents and Carers

Reports will be emailed to parents and carers twice a year. These state the target range a pupil is in for each subject, their curriculum depth of understanding range and then their effort score for each of the 4 areas.

There will also be the chance for parents to discuss progress with staff once a year at parents evening.

Parents and carers should contact Mrs Slusar-Fletcher on with any questions regarding our assessment of pupil progress. Please do also read through our parent guide to reporting and assessment at key stage 3 which can be found on the left ribbon on this page.